Sunday, October 20, 2013

Klein Connections in Germany

I was recently contacted by a Klein relation, the wife of my second cousin once removed. His father and my grandfather were cousins who became New Jersey neighbors. We've been able to compare notes and share lots of information, which has been wonderful and exciting. One of those shared items was an old photograph that apparently comes from Germany - wowee!

First let me give some background about what we know of our Klein origins:
  • Michael Klein, who was married to Pauline Grimm, might never have come to America. We have only found passenger records for Pauline and her children, but never her husband. (Pauline arrived in New York in 1892 and in 1897 Brooklyn directory she was listed as a widow.)
  • Several references state that Pauline was born in Alsace, Germany. To give a very simplified account of the history of the Alsace region, France ruled the area from 1648-1871, after which time the Treaty of Frankfurt ceded the area to Germany in 1871. The German Empire ruled the area from 1871-1918, after which the area was restored to French rule in the Treaty of Versailles. So during the time that the Klein's emigrated, the area was definitely German.
  • One of Pauline's children emigrated later, in 1905. Her passenger record clearly states she was coming from Strasbourg.
Here is the wonderful photo which was passed down with old family things belonging to Klein descendants.

Here are some observations and notes:
  • The photo probably dates from the 1900s - the presence of the bicycle is clue to that.
  • Regarding the label on the building, the word "Wirtschaft" means pub (often had a meaning of hotel).  This particular pub apparently belonged to Eugen Antoni. So far, we have not been able to find any connection between that name and our Klein or Grimm family. There is some hope that it might help establish where the photo was taken.
  • The men on the right side of the picture are holding what is called a Dreschflegel, in English called a flail used for threshing wheat. The barn located behind them is likely where they were doing the threshing.
This photo is so interesting - it seems to me so obviously posed - the man in the window, the woman with the baby, the wagons, the bicycle, the men with the flails. Was it for an event maybe? I'm not sure I think these people were all related and it was a family photo, but I suppose it could be. All we know is that this photo was passed down in the Klein family, so there is hope there is some clue in it that can connect us to their family in Alsace.

Do you have any additional comment or information that could help us further identify this photo?  Please contact me!

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